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2025 Emergency Ultrasound Fellow


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Anna Kosmalska, DO

Fellowship: Top

DRMC/HDMC Ultrasound Fellowship Overview

One-year Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship (begins July 1st)

EUFAC Accredited​

Now accepting applications for the 2025 Academic Year! 

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Comprehensive & Cutting Edge Curriculum

Explores all aspects of Emergency Ultrasound including advanced ECHO (TTE & TEE), MSK ultrasound, ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia, ultrasound program administration, maintenance, credentialing, and billing. In addition, specific attention is given to educational techniques, how to provide a creative and engaging learning experience, and any specific area of interest for each fellow.


Our fellowship offers a unique opportunity to explore novel ways to integrate ultrasound and medical education with web, mobile, or virtual reality, with exposure to every step of the development process. Curriculum utilizes a custom virtual reality ultrasound simulator, allowing individual or group learning for core bedside scans. The simulator supports custom case creation for sharing interesting VR cases in seconds, even while on-shift. In addition, a robust website helps keep track of curriculum readings, scanning goals, and quizzes throughout the year.


Mindray TE-X

Mindray TE7 x 2

Mindray M9

Sonosite Edge

Sonosite X-Porte

Multiple Butterfly iQ/iQ+


Probes: Phased-array, curvilinear, linear, endocavitary, TEE


Qpath web-based image archive for QA and billing

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Fellow Education

Weekly hands-on didactics and scanning session with ultrasound director


Formal resuscitative TEE training + credentialing


Typical fellow logs >1,000 scans


Original research


Regular journal clubs


Bi-annual fellowship retreat


Additional Ultrasound-trained Faculty:

Samuel Kotran, DO

Korbin Haycock, MD, RDMS, RDCS

Resident Education

Desert Regional Medical Center hosts a 3 year Emergency Medicine residency with 10 residents per year


Resident ultrasound curriculum consists of a one month rotation in PGY-1, two weeks in PGY-2, and a popular PGY-3 elective.


Off-service senior residents also have opportunity for a clinical ultrasound elective.


Fellow runs weekly scanning sessions at Desert Regional Medical Center with ER residents & medical students


Fellow helps provide monthly department QA and ultrasound lectures for ER residents

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Clinical Experience

Scanning, didactics, and clinical shifts at Desert Regional Medical Center, a certified stroke and STEMI center and the referring Level 2 trauma center for over 600-square-miles with an annual ER volume >70,000.


Clinical shifts at Hi-Desert Medical Center located in Joshua Tree, CA, with senior residents from Desert Regional Medical Center.  HDMC provides acute care for the 60,000+ residents of the high Mojave Desert.


Fellow is credentialed with full privileges at both DRMC and HDMC.  Moonlighting allowed.

Vituity Partnership

Up to three fellowship positions funded through Vituity physician partnership, with a competitive salary in addition to funds for CME as well as full health & HSA benefits.  Fellows are Vituity partners from day one and all clinical hours count towards advancement.

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